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Showing posts from August, 2019

Rock Music

Hello everyone! How are you are? I hope you are very well! Today I am going to talk about my favorite music… (I love this matter <3) Well, the first band that I listened and loved immediately in my life was IRON MAIDEN; I was 9 years old when I discovered it, all thanks to my stepsister who was metal-head. In this time, the music style was reggaeton, for this reason, anyone of my friends understood me… yes, so sad hahah but I didn’t matter it, I was so happy with my heavy metal band <3 Years later, my musical taste was increasing, I enjoyed rock, pop, classic, folk and some romantic styles haha I liked many different types of music but my heart still belong to the rock and metal. When I was 14 years old, I started to play the guitar, trying to imitate at all my idols of music. One of my favorite years of my life was when I met Exxocet, in 2014, their music reach take me to the heaven haha the style of every member was so cool, so GLAM!! In addition, the music… woooow, I can’t

The best concert ever

Hi everyone! I hope you are very very well <3 Today I’m going to talk about my favorite concert!! Since two years ago, for my birthday, my old brother was gifted me two tickets for the Bruno Mars’s concert, I couldn’t believe it! When the day was nearing, my nerves was increasing haha and I had to decide with who I will go , obviously I finishing chose at my little sister, Adelaida <3 This day was so intense! Was the same day at the PSU test!! This concert was as a prize that I received for all my efforts in the school!! I only can tell you that was a wonderful concert, you can’t imagine all the feelings and emotion that I feel this day! Bruno Mars is one of the big kings of the music that exist for me, he sing and dance like nobody! I love him hahah Well, I hope that I could transition all this beautiful day! Bye!


Hi everyone! I hope you are very very well <3 I missed you haha!! Today I´m going to talk about one of my favourites websites... Pinterest. Well, every time that I need some inspiration I go to Pinterest, I think that there are many differents and creatives pictures, and I don't know why I always find exactly what I was looking for haha... for this reason I love this website!! <3 How did I get to know this website? Thanks to one of my best friends at the university, she always talked about how incredible this page is and how useful it was in all her works. For this reason, one day I decided to download this app on my cell phone, and guess ... Now I can't separate myself from this hahaha The biggest help that this app bring me is to inspire me, and also, to make many mood boards to every idea of ​​design that I want to make. If you still don't know this application ... I suggest you that at this moment you download it, you won't regret it. Bye bye!! https://www.p

A country I'd like to visit

Hi everyone!! I hope you are very very well :D Today I'm going to talk about a country that I'd like to visit... All my life I ever feel something too strange for Spain, a connection with this country, with its people, its culture. I’m going to tell you a short history about me and this feeling… Nine years ago, my stepfather and my two youngest siblings want to know about our past lives, and to get it we start to meditate… In this experience, I felt for first time this connation with Spain, I have visualized as an angler in a Spain’s isle. Besides, big parts of my interests are Spanish, for example: many artist as DalĂ­, Gaudi, Bunbury, Miss Caffeina, and series as MerlĂ­, and special attraction for the Catalan language. I know that when I will visit this country, I will found a very special surprise!! As a shaman told me one time in an Akashic Records. Goodbye everyone! I hope that you are really enjoyed this post! <3