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Showing posts from September, 2019

Postgraduate Studies

Hi everyone! How are you? I hope you are very very well <3 Today I am going to talk about my postgraduate studies in the feature! As you should know, I am studying industrial design at the University of Chile, in Chile haha. The only disadvantage of this career in this country is that Chile almost does not have many industries, for this motive; maybe my feature will be a little bit more complicated than others will, but I hope that Chile could have more industries in a few years more. Well, in view of the above, I always ever think in the possibility of travel to another country to follow my studies when I finish my career. One of the countries that I thought to travel in the feature is Italia, specifically to Milan; because the biggest designers always says that is the cradle of the design. In addition, I love the famous places that are in Italia, I like much their language and their history, and part of my family live there. Maybe, at finishing my postgrads studies in Italia, I

My future Job

Hi everyone! How are you? I hope you are very well, I am fine, thanks haha Today I’m going to talk about my job in the future. If you don’t know yet, I’m studying industrial design at the University of Chile, I’m in the second year of the career. When I finish my studies, I will go to another country to make a master’s degree, maybe to Milan, Italia. When I finish all these plans… hahaha I’m going to start to design my own store. Since I was a child, I was imagining this design’s store… It will be similar to “Casa Ideas”, with every type of products, from a spoon to a bed, very varied. The concept that englobe all this articles, will be the “nature”, “sustainability” and the “mysticism”. I want that my store have a clearly defined its identity and its users be responsible with the values of the store’s community. My idea is that my job will can help to the users as long as to the world, always trying to make a better world. In addition, I would like to make cooperation with an othe