Hi all! How are you? I´m fine thank you <3
This is my first post..
Today i'm going to speak about myself, "my little biography"
My name is Isabel Domínguez, i was born in Santiago of Chile, in 1999. My parents splitted up when i was 2 years old, who knows why?... but that didn't affected me, i was a baby. When i was 5 years old i changed of house for first time, to Valle del Elqui, because my mum changed her job.
I have been in many schools: "Maison de l'Infante", "Alcántara", por example... until i found the correct; Latino Cordillera, there i made my best friends till now and obtained the base of my person and of my knowledge, i'm extremely grateful for that.
My family is composed by my 5 siblings, 3 sisters: Rosario (29 years old), Adelaida (18 years old) and Florencia (17 years old) and 2 brothers: Mario (31 years old) and Vicente (16 years old), my mum, her husband, my dad and his wife. I have lived with my mum, her husband, Adelaida and Vicente since 13 years ago in the same house, in Peñalolén.
I have studied design in the "Universidad de Chile" since one year ago, always was my dream, and now is a fact.
In the feature, i want to be a famous designer to help the planet and people who aren't hear for the sociality.
Bye!! Thank you for read me <3

it's great you could fing the right school for you, that's very important to have good memories of those years