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My favorite piece of technology

Hi everyone! Today I am going to talk about the piece of technology that is essential for me: the camera. This device has a lens, a screen, a flash and several buttons to, for example, focus, zoom in and out. Since I was little girl I have been interested in photos, I think they are very useful to capture the beauty of different landscapes and people. For this reason to every christmas since I was 10 years old, I used to wish a camera, and on two occasions I was lucky to get them... Thank you parents jajaja Unfortunately, both cameras were stolen... who knows by who? the mystery of my life :( Until today I wish with all my soul to have this piece of technology, but it seems that destiny doesn't want it jajaja The good news is that the cell phones already possess very good cameras: with high definition and many tools more. Thank you for read me!


  1. I also like photography very much, when I was younger, but like you, they stole my camera and that made me distance myself from the photos.


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